Dear Friends and Family in Christ Jesus,
In order to keep in touch with the participants of the survey we conducted a year ago, I sent out around 100 letters in December, informing them of the progress of the work and soliciting prayers on our behalf. I received a few responses and one of them is especially worth posting as it shows our people’s fervent desire to have an adequate translation of God’s Word in their language. An elderly man writes,
“Good day, dear-to-my-heart brother in the Lord, Yuriy, and your team of translators. When I received the letter from you, I couldn’t figure it out until I opened it. I am touched by the fact that you took into account my suggestions.
I am looking forward to the new translation of the New Testament. May our loving Lord inspire you for such an important work. It is very timely. Perhaps we will not meet on earth, but we will in heaven for sure. He will reward [you] with crowns for such enduring, tedious, persistent, uncompromising, sometimes even exhausting work on His field.
Not even knowing you, I feel fervent love [to you] as to God’s child and pledge to pray that the New Testament in a new translation becomes available to the readers of our country as soon as possible. The work is crucial because even a comma can change the meaning of the Biblical message, how much more can the words, sentences and paragraphs ….
May Jesus Christ Himself inspire you for such a crucial and timely work and the Holy Spirit see that through this translation many souls would understand the purpose of life.
Be blessed.
Included with the letter was 50 hryvnias (the equivalent of $4.00). Needless to say, the letter itself was a great inspiration to me and my assistants. Oh, for the Ukrainian New Testament to be published as soon as possible!
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.
Your Fellow-servants for Jesus’ sake,
Yura and Wendy Popchenko
Yura and Wendy and family,
I enjoy receiving the posts via email which prompts me to pray more fervently for all the work you are doing. May God bless the work and all the workers so this task may be completed and given to your people.
In His hands,
Kathi Fried