An apartment building in the city of Sumy ruined by a Russian missile

A bombed building in the historic center of the city of Lviv

A missile attack on a high-rise apartment building in the city of Kyiv

Ruined Cathedral in the city of Odesa

Damaged “Scholar’s House’ in the city of Odesa (the premises of former Count Tolstoy’s palace)

The grand piano on which the Hungarian pianist and composer Franz Liszt played in the 19th century

Ruined school in the city of Sumy

60,000 tons of wheat destroyed in a granery near Odesa

Destroyed blood-transfusion center

Ruined apartment building in the city of Pokrovsk

Ruined hotel in Zaporizhya where the officials of the International Atomic Energy Agency always stayed

Destroyed Fozzy supermarket in the city of Odesa

Damaged drama theater in the city of Chernihiv

Ruined kindergarten in the city of Kherson

Displaced persons in the city of Kamyanka received New Testaments

A teen meeting in Chernivtsi region

Distributing New Testaments

Young men reading the Scripture

Bible hour with the teens

Most active members of Ark of Salvation church of Zhytomyr who distributed food packets with New Testaments

A food packet with a New Testament

Beneficiaries of humanitarian aid and Scriptures

Happy 15th Birthday, Andriy!

You are a biy boy now!