September/October 2014 Pictures and Videos Posted on November 5, 2014 by Yura Popchenko Reply Ukrainian Bible translation team with the Dooms With the Dooms at Independence Square in Kyiv Sashko sanding the gas line to be painted Yurko scraping off the wall to be plastered and painted Harvest Day at our church Preaching at another Harvest Day service Yurko singing in the children’s choir Our string ensemble Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailPrint
March/April 2013 Prayer Letter pictures Posted on May 3, 2013 by Yura Popchenko Reply “Blessed be the name” in three part harmony for the first time Our little song leader Hurry, get more potatoes! Here they are! I found two “Willie the Worms”! Andriyko is helping Mama to plant potatoes It’s officially lawn-mowing season! Trying to mow in a straight line Sashko is busy at work with his sidewalk job Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailPrint