January/February 2012 Pictures and Video


Christmas family picture

Christmas family picture

This is how most roads were this winter (or every winter for that matter). Three groves are typical and sometimes they are so deep that you can hardly get out of them to pass the car coming toward you.

This is how most roads were this winter (or every winter for that matter). Three groves are typical and sometimes they are so deep that you can hardly get out of them to pass the car coming toward you.

Preaching on God-honoring music

Sashko is teaching Yurko how to do work for Dad

Quoting Luke 2:1-20 from Daddy’s translation

Playing Christmas medley

Playing Christmas medley

Caroling with their second cousins

Uncle Sasha and cousins visiting for Sashko's birthday

Uncle Sasha and cousins visiting for Sashko’s birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday, Matviy!

“Thank you” from Danny’s parents

My sister and brother in-law asked me to pass along the following note and link to a Youtube video of Danny’s birth, surgery and recovery:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! We continually thank God for His mercy to our family and for the fact that He wonderfully led us during Danny’s illness, showing us where to have the surgery, guiding the hands of doctors and blessing the postoperative period! We thank God that He put it on the heart of each one of you to pray for our baby and that you were not indifferent through the whole period of the disease. With all our hearts, we thank you for your prayers! We kindly ask you to continue to pray for the health of Danny, because he still has congenial heart problems. We had an ultrasound done and the doctors said that the condition of the baby is stable, but they may need to readdress the narrowed aorta. (This surgery was done at a very early age and this often leads to relapse.) To address the rest of his heart problems, Danny will need a second operation. Doctors believe that it would be better to wait until he is at least one year old (September 2013). Please pray for Danny’s growth and development as he awaits his next surgery! May God bless you and meet all your needs!

With love,

The Moskalenko Family
